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ECI_Next generation!



 End Ecocide and The ECI Campaign organise in a half-day workshop in Brussels on Tuesday, 14 October 2014. We will explore what can be done to ensure that the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) works for the next generation and for future organizers using the world’s first tool of participatory, transnational and digital democracy. Some of the questions to be discussed include: 

  • How to encourage more young people to vote for ECIs or even join ECI organiser teams?
  • What are the particular challenges for youth- and volunteer-led ECIs?
  • How could social media and online campaigning be used for successful ECIs?
  • And last but not least, how could the ECI legislation be improved?


The workshop will be held in the afternoon from 14.00-18.00 at the Mundo -B (Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050, Brussels).


14.00 – 14.15 Opening and Welcome
  by Prisca Merz, End Ecocide and Carsten Berg, The ECI Campaign
14.15 – 15.00


Introductions ECI organisers’ presentations on successful ECI management and involvement of young people in their ECI
15.00 – 16.30 Group Discussions
  Topics include: Involvement of young people in ECI organisation, getting youth to vote for ECIs, improvement of the ECI legislation with a view to the upcoming reform, particular challenges faced by volunteers-led ECIs, social media and online campaigning. If you are interested in discussing a particular topic additional to these suggestions, please get in touch.
16.30 – 17.00


Presentation of group discussion outcomes
17.00 – 18.00 Closing Panel Discussion
  Confirmed participants: Charlotte Rive (European Commission), Tina Nilsson (leading the ECI investigation by the European Ombudswoman), Anne-Marie Sigmund (president of the ECI ad hoc group in the EESC), Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann (MEP, Member of the European Parliament Constitutional Affairs Committee) and Michael Efler (Mehr Demokratie, ECI STOP TTIP).


This event is organized by End Ecocide and The ECI Campaign, grateful for support from the EU’s Youth in Action

Programme and the Citizens for Europe.

cfe YiA

Catégories : blogEnglish

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