The Belgian Team of the European Citizen Initiative to End Ecocide in Europe cherish
the opportunity to invite you to our conference
Conference ‘End Ecocide Together: From Theory to Practice’ :
This conference will reflect about ecocide, the role of the European Citizens’
Initiative and the different stakeholders for sustainable development. We have
invited local and international NGOs to present their work and to engage in a
dialogue on how to best collaborate to end ecocide.
End Ecocide in Europe is a European Citizens’ Initiative bringing together citizens
fighting for a sustainable future. In order to protect the ecosystems, we aim to make
their destruction a crime: Ecocide. When one million EU citizens vote for our
proposal within one year, it will have to be considered by the European Commission.
The conference will be an excellent opportunity to meet those who are working hard
to end ecocide and to learn more about the initiative and its implications on
different sectors.
It opens with a panel bringing together speakers with experience on the ECI, team
members of the Belgian Team and our spokesperson Valerie Cabanes. During the
second panel, representatives of NGOs are invited to present their work and how it
relates to ending ecocide.
The conference will be closed by a musical concert with
classic guitar and flute by Giannis Efstathopoulos and Lorena Mendez Rodriguez.
- Date: 27th September 2013
- Time: 17:30-22:00
- Venue: La Maison de la Participation (94, rue Wayez à Anderlecht), Bruxelles
Please RSVP to,
Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in supporting us by signing
the ECI, by communicating our ECI through your social media and network and/or
any other means.
For more information about ecocide, the European Citizens Initiative and to vote
online, please visit