Three intense days of smart-mobs carried out by determined volunteers tried to raise the awareness to the initiative to End Ecocide In Europe.
Hila, one of the volunteers tells the story –
The first day, a little stressed and excited, we went to the busy Parisian Metro lines and tried to playfully remind the passengers that they care about their planet (Of course they do! Don’t we all??). Playing with a globe between us and with the passengers, making people smile (- which was the best part for us!) and telling them about the initiative and how they can also vote to protect the planet.
Even the guy from the RTAP metro company played with us!
The second day in Place de la Republique, we have created a crime scene, where the victim was planet Earth. Around the « body » were the different crimes of Ecocide committed or that potentially occur by humanity, such as Fracking, Arctic Drilling, Nuclear power and so on.
People arund were invited to ask questions, share thoughts and get involved.
And then only about 15 minutes after we settled, after a sunny morning, light rain started falling.. Instantly many people disappeared, leaving the crime scene.
But then something beautiful happened! The rain stopped..We raised our heads to the sky and saw a beautiful double rainbow from one side of the horizon to the other!
It was like Earth was telling us – Yes. Protect me. Before it’s too late.
Even the signs on the floor stayed in tact.
It was a very emotional moment.. The cameras couldn’t really capture it. But our hearts did..
The third day in Centre Pompidou we created a giant chalk drawing, a big tree with many hands, symbolizing that together we can end the mass destruction and make this law real. Passing by were invited to draw their hand, and any other drawing to show their support, and to show every hand helps..
These three days were a great experience to all of us.
We learned that if we want, we can do something, that together we are powerful and that we should go on until we reach our goal.
See all other pictures by clicking on the pic on top 🙂
1 commentaire
Joselyn Morton · Tuesday 12 November 2013 à 10:20
Fantastic, great idea. I hope you got lots of signatures. Regards, Joselyn