#NewYear twitter day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English. Hello Dear Twitter partners!!! Thanks for participating ! create Hashtags : #NewYear #OurHome #London #Paris #Madrid #Berlin #Sofia (#София) #Lisbon (#Lisboa) #Amsterdam #Stockholm #Europe Tweets (it’s ok if you are not on the exact schedule! pls tweet and RT as much as you Lire la suite…

Par admin, il y a

Learn about our invaluable Research Team

The Research Team is an invaluable element in the development of the law of ecocide and its content. Advocating for a crime of Ecocide is a discursive process, and one that can only be enhanced by quality research and scholarly debate. We form a network of expertise where we can Lire la suite…

Par admin, il y a

Xmas Twitter day this Saturday, Dec 21 to raise awareness

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English. Hello Dear Twitter partners!!! Thanks for participating ! Hashtags : #MerryChristmas , #HealthyPlanet , #CleanAir , #FreshWater , #HealthyFood , #Stockholm , #lowcarboneconomy , #RE , #31daysto , #EndEcocide Tweets (it’s ok if you are not on the exact schedule! pls tweet and RT as much as you can) 11:00 GMT We all want a #HealthyPlanet – outlawing #Ecocide will help ensure this for Lire la suite…

Newsletter 12/13

Our december newsletter is out! Read the full newsletter in french here! « Nous sommes la nature, donc la destruction de la nature, c’est de l’autodestruction. Il nous faut sauver la nature pour nous sauver. » Satish Kumar Activiste indien et rédacteur en chef du magazine Resurgence & Ecologist. Moine jaïniste et Lire la suite…

Par admin, il y a

Twitter day – let’s raise awareness

Hello all! Let us continue to raise awareness through tweeting and increasing the number of signatures to End Ecocide in Europe. Hashtags/links to use: #EndEcocide #YourVoteToEndEcocide @EndEcocideEU and www.endecocide.eu Here’s a list of tweets for this Saturday, December 14. 09:00 GMT – « If we go on using Earth uncaringly &without Lire la suite…

Par admin, il y a

The long journey towards an ECI that works

Today I participated in a workshop entitled “An ECI that works” in Brussels. It brought together ECI organisers, researchers, civil society organisations, and representatives of European institutions. We all encounter the same challenges, the same problems but we can also be proud of ourselves because what we have achieved is Lire la suite…

Par admin, il y a

Stop Belo Monte Ecocide World Action Day

nouvelles de raoni.com: PARTOUT EN FRANCE, PARTICIPEZ DÈS MAINTENANT À L’ACTION INTERNATIONALE ‘STOP BELO MONTE!’ Une affichette à imprimer, un appareil photo, un terrain de foot ou un autre lieu symbolique à proximité de chez vous et le tour est joué ! COMMENT ? En vous faisant photographier avec les deux visuels Lire la suite…

Par admin, il y a

Video Competition

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English. Prize: 1 x €500 and 4 x €100 Deadline: 5pm GMT Sunday January 5th 2014 End Ecocide has extended its international competition for a 2-minute video until January 5th. The excellent entries we’ve received so far are being uploaded to our site Lire la suite…

Par admin, il y a