copyright: Παρατηρητήριο Μεταλλευτικών Δραστηριοτήτων

In 2011, a Canadian company called Eldorado Gold decided to invest in northern Greece region. Its subsidiary Hellenic Gold received Greek government approval to mine in the northern peninsula. One of the first projects of the company is located in Skouries and will need 3,000 hectares of pristine forest to be cut to build the mine – says a member of the Coordinating Committee of Associations of Stageira-Akanthos Against Gold Mining (CCASAAGM). As in the Rosia Montana case (Romania) cyanide will be use to extract gold and local activists fear that the mining operation will drain and contaminate local water reserves and fill the air with dangerous substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic. Many manifestations against the mining projects have been held in the country over the past 2 years. Riots in the region have been, sometimes, so violent that Amnesty International has reported possible human rights violations in 2013. The company announced it would push back the start of the project from 2015 from 2016-17 but denied giving up the mine. The Canadian company has 4 others projects in Europe: Stratoni, Perama Hill and Olympias in Greece and Certej in Romania. We need an ecocide law to prevent this kind of projects from happening.

Visit CCASAAGM website here

Sign the Avaaz petition here

1 Kommentar

Or · Wednesday, der 24. September 2014 um 08:21

….and now Greece, poor, with debits and fragile poor citicens…it is meal for the corporates, banks and inversors. In a few years Greece will be, onthe other hand with devasted territories and the other sell land to rich nations.

Poor Greece

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