Vivienne Westwood campaign on Ecocide

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. Vivienne Westwood et son mari jouent Adam et Ève pour alerter sur … Madame Figaro–16 déc. 2015 Mais rassurez-vous, Trouble in Paradise n’est pas une énième allégorie … Fidèle à son esprit punk, Vivienne Westwood bouscule les … Vivienne Westwood and husband play Weiterlesen…

Let’s stop climate crimes !

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. Tutu, Klein and Chomsky call for mass climate action ahead of Paris conference Artists, journalists, scientists and academics among 100 signatories calling for mobilisation on scale of slavery abolition and anti-apartheid movements Desmond Tutu, Vivienne Westwood, Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky are Weiterlesen…

Vivienne Westwood Press Conference

The HMS President floating on the Thames set a wonderful stage for our press conference with fashion designer and activist Vivienne Westwood. Many journalists came to hear why Vivienne supports our struggle to End Ecocide. The stage was set with a short video clip which was produced during a flashmob by the Austrian volunteers. Nicely summarised by Amelia Womack, leading through the programme, it demonstrates that Ending Ecocide can be the solution to so many social, environmental and economic problems which are intrinsically linked. (mehr …)

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