Tribune: Demain, les Etats pourront-ils être condamnés pour crime climatique et violation des droits des générations futures ?

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Français verfügbar.    Tribune sur  Basta! Mag par Valérie Cabanes 25 septembre 2015 Photo: vague géante par Susan Dobbs/ Des enfants américains attaquent en justice leur gouvernement pour ne pas prendre en compte les droits des générations futures. Des insulaires du Pacifique, menacés par Weiterlesen…

Vivienne Westwood Press Conference

The HMS President floating on the Thames set a wonderful stage for our press conference with fashion designer and activist Vivienne Westwood. Many journalists came to hear why Vivienne supports our struggle to End Ecocide. The stage was set with a short video clip which was produced during a flashmob by the Austrian volunteers. Nicely summarised by Amelia Womack, leading through the programme, it demonstrates that Ending Ecocide can be the solution to so many social, environmental and economic problems which are intrinsically linked. (mehr …)

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Stop Belo Monte Ecocide World Action Day

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English und Français verfügbar. News from EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD, YOU CAN PARTICIPATE RIGHT NOW IN THE INTERNATIONAL ACTION ‚STOP BELO MONTE‘ ECOCIDE ! A poster to print out, a camera, a football field or another symbolic place next to where you live Weiterlesen…

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End Ecocide Video Competition

End Ecocide in Europe is launching a brand new video competition for a short video, with a prize of €500 going to the winner and 4 prizes of €100 going to 4 runners-up. The video should encourage viewers to vote for the initiative at It should be short (absolute Weiterlesen…

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